A view of the Mawddach Estuary on a clear spring day with woodland lining the shores.
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A band of robbers and highwaymen that instilled fear in the people of Dinas Mawddwy

Gwylliaid Cochion Mawddwy were a band of highwaymen and bandits in the Dinas Mawddwy area during the 16th century. It is said that they were named for their red hair.

As degenerates banished from their area, the Gwylliaid were very much feared by the local residents.

The Gwylliaid had their own routines and rituals. The only certain historical information about the Gwylliaid is that they murdered Baron Lewis ab Owen as revenge for sentencing members of the group to the gallows or exiling them from the area.

The murder of the baron led to the demise of the Gwylliaid as the full force of the law was brought against them, and many were hanged for the murder.

The Gwylliaid and Dinas Mawddwy’s place names

The Gwylliaid are immortalised in many of the area’s place names, for example, Llety’r Gwylliaid (gwylliaid lodge) and Llety’r Lladron (thieves’ lodge) on Bwlch Oerddrws pass.