A view of the Mawddach Estuary on a clear spring day with woodland lining the shores.
Dewiswch eich iaith
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Discover the history of the Welsh language in the company of the expert, Mr R. Ben Igwr.

He is a statistician working for the Welsh Government, and is a bit of a genius. The Government have given him a task – to ensure that one million people can speak Welsh by 2050. As he starts to count the members of the audience, he soon realises that this will be a very difficult job indeed! He needs inspiration, and decides to research into the history of the language. He presents 10 important historical events linked to the Welsh language – from the Act of Union, to the translation of the Bible, the treachery of the Blue Books to the Welsh Not.

As the show develops, he becomes more positive as he talks about the formation of Urdd Gobaith Cymru and the growth in Welsh medium education. At the end, full of hope and joy, he encourages the audience to embrace the language, as THEY are the ones who will count in 2050.

Presenting Welsh history with fun and excitement.

Suitable for children between 5 and 12 years old.

When: 31/05/2024

Time: 13:30pm - 14:30pm

Location: Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd, LL41 4UW


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In Character Show: Taith yr Iaith

Discover the history of the Welsh language in the company of the expert, Mr R. Ben Igwr.
