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Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing Eryri and the world

Not a day goes by without climate being mentioned in the news, on social media or in regular conversations. 

Opinion polls show that people are more concerned about climate change than ever before. 

The impact of climate change

Climate change is a complex issue that affects us as individuals, our society and our natural world.

Climate change is not something that will happen in the future; it is the changes happening now, which will affect Wales significantly.

Natural climate changes have occurred on Earth throughout its history, but there is clear evidence that human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, has caused the temperature of the Earth to rise.

Although the effects of climate change in Eryri may not be as extreme as those occurring in southern and eastern parts of the British Isles, we will undoubtedly experience significant changes. Over the coming decades, winters will become even wetter, and winter and summer temperatures will rise.

Climate Change statistics

The effects of climate change are happening now, and the time to reverse these effects is running out.  

(Friends of the Earth Cymru statistics) 

25% less summer rain is falling in Wales than a hundred years ago. A further 15% reduction is likely by the middle of the century.
The temperature of Wales is over 1°C higher on average than it was 100 years ago.
Higher temperatures are affecting Welsh habitats, including plants and wildlife.
The effects of climate change, such as higher sea levels and more frequent storms, increase the risk of flooding and extreme weather in Wales.
The Environmentalist

Responding to the challenges

The effects of climate change will leave their mark on Eryri. It is vitally important to adapt and respond to climate change in order to minimise the damage to the natural world, our society and the economy.

Eryri has valuable wildlife species and habitats that are endangered by climate change. The National Park Authority plays an essential role in addressing this problem.

One example is the peatland restoration projects, as this type of landscape can protect and restore biodiversity and store carbon. Upland peat in the National Park is a vast carbon store (17 million tonnes), and 30% of Wales’ peatland is in Eryri.

Nature and habitats such as peatlands, woodlands and saltmarshes can be used to reverse the effects of climate change.

By conserving and reconnecting these areas, their resilience can be enhanced, and the wildlife that lives there can be propagated.

The work of the National Park Authority

Snowdonia National Park Authority works alongside many other organisations to reduce the effects of climate change. All departments within the Authority are working together on several schemes, including:

  • Installing electric vehicle charging points at strategic locations within the National Park
  • Implementing greener transport and travel measures to reduce carbon emissions
  • Promoting and supporting energy efficiency improvements in new and traditional buildings in line with planning policy
  • Continuing to use and improve natural carbon sinks within the National Park
  • Securing long term commitment to diverse and well-managed woodlands
  • Exploring carbon offsetting and seeking financial support to offset carbon