A view of the Mawddach Estuary on a clear spring day with woodland lining the shores.
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Working together to protect, enhance and celebrate what makes Eryri special

Eryri National Park Authority leads and works jointly on a host of conservation projects that protect and enhance the unique qualities of Eryri National Park.

The projects protect various qualities such as landscapes, wildlife, heritage and culture.

Quad bike used for wild pony gathering at Carneddau
Carneddau Lansdcape Partnership

The Carneddau Landscape Partnership project was established to help people discover, record, celebrate and care for this unique area.

Carneddau Landscape Partnership

Welsh highland cattle grazing in woodland
Celtic Rainforests Wales

A £7 million project to restore the Celtic Rainforests of Eryri to their natural state through conservation grazing and invasive species control.

Celtic Rainforests Project

Penmaen Cottage in its new state
Dolgellau Townscape Heritage Project

The Dolgellau Townscape Project protects and celebrates the heritage of Dolgellau’s townscape.

Dolgellau Townscape Heritage Project

Dyfrio coed ifanc - Watering young trees
Plas Tan y Bwlch Tree Nursery

The tree nursery at Plas Tan y Bwlch facilitates a constant and steady supply of trees for the Authority’s tree planting projects.

Plas Tan y Bwlch Tree Nursery

Felenrhyd and Llennyrch woods
Tree and Woodland Strategy

A strategy in response to a study on the carbon footprint of UK National Parks.

Tree and Woodland Strategy

Peatland Restoration Projects

We’ve started on our long-term mission to restore the condition of our peatlands. With a third of Wales’ peatlands here in Eryri, we’ve got a big task ahead of us…

Peatland Restoration Projects

A view of Harlech high street
Conservation Areas Project

Developing a sustainable future for Eryri’s conservation areas.

Conservation Areas Project

SMS Dinas Mawddwy

Working together to improve the biodiversity and habitat connectivity in the south of the National Park.

SMS Dinas Mawddwy

Ring ouzel perched on a rock
Wildlife in Lockdown

Assessing the impact of lockdown measures on Eryri’s wildlife.

Wildlife in Lockdown

Young Rangers Scheme

The National Park Authority’s Young Ranger Scheme offers a fantastic opportunity for young people to engage with Eryri’s special and unique qualities.

Young Rangers Scheme