A view of the Mawddach Estuary on a clear spring day with woodland lining the shores.
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This autumn the Snowdonia National Park Authority and the Woodland Trust will work in collaboration to implement a special new project with the aim of planting more trees and hedgerows within a designated area of the National Park.

As well as helping to combat climate change and mitigating flooding, trees and hedgerows form an essential part of the countryside ecosystem. Hedgerows play an important role in connecting habitats in a fragmented landscape.

Small tree clusters and hedgerows that form boundaries around agricultural fields are also characteristic of Snowdonia’s landscape, and is one of the qualities that makes the area so special.  But with the rapid spread of ash dieback disease many of our mature trees are endangered, and so one of the aims of this project is to supplement those trees that will be lost to this disease.

Thanks to funding by the People’s Postcode Lottery – the Woodland Trust will fund over £25,000 worth of fencing work to protect the new trees and hedgerows while they become established. The trees will be supplied from the Snowdonia National Park Authority’s tree nursery at Plas Tan y Blwch, with the aim of planting 8,000 native trees and 1,800 metres of hedgerow. The project area encompasses 27 Community Councils and runs from Beddgelert to the north, all the way south to Pennal and Aberdyfi, and stretches to the east as far as Rhydymain and Mawddwy.

Rhys Owen, Head of Conservation, Woodland and Agriculture for the National Park Authority says:

“As well as the clear benefits to the environment and biodiversity, this scheme will also bring agricultural benefits through the creation of solid and reliable field boundaries as well as essential shelter for livestock.

Planting more trees outside woodlands in the south of the National Park will also safeguard the wooded landscape that is so characteristic of the area, and which has inspired and attracted visitors over the years.”

Natalie Buttris, Director of Coed Cadw, the Woodland Trust in Wales says:

“Hedges are part of an ancient agroforestry tradition along with wood pasture. Together with hedgerow and ancient trees as well as field edge habitats, they form an extensive habitat network that’s crucial to wildlife and defines our landscapes. They provide lots of practical benefits including protecting livestock from weather extremes, aiding biosecurity, mitigating flooding, and enhancing soil, carbon and water resources.”

Coed Cadw’s involvement in the Trees Outside Woods project, in collaboration with the Snowdonia National Park Authority, is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Laura Chow, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery says:

“Trees and hedgerows are vital in helping to combat climate change. We are pleased support from our players will fund the fencing to protect the new trees and hedgerows planted as part of the Coed Cefn Gwlad project, ensuring as many as possible will thrive.”

Owners of land falling within the project area are invited to register their interest with the Park Authority by Monday the 13th of September 2021. For more information about the project area and contact details visit the Park Authority’s website. [Note as of 27 March, 2023: Information on the Authority’s website about the Trees Outside Woods projects has been archived and is not publicly available.]

Notes to Editors

  1. The Woodland Trust (Coed Cadw) is the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK. It has over 500,000 supporters. It wants to see a UK rich in native woods and trees for people and wildlife. The Trust has three key aims:
    • To protect ancient woodland, which is rare, unique and irreplaceable
    • The restoration of damaged ancient woodland, bringing precious pieces of our natural history back to life
    • To plant native trees and woods with the aim of creating resilient landscapes for people and wildlife.

    Established in 1972, the Woodland Trust now has over 1,000 sites in its care covering approximately 29,000 hectares. These include over 100 sites in Wales, with a total area of 2,897 hectares (7,155 acres).

    Access to its woods is free, so everyone can benefit from woods and trees.

    The Trust’s Welsh name, Coed Cadw, is an old Welsh term, used in medieval laws to

    describe protected or preserved woodland.

  2. For more information or to arrange an interview contact Ioan Gwilym, Communications Officer on ioan.gwilym@eryri.llyw.cymru or 07900267506